
Sharing knowledge

EU DirectivesLatest NewsPublicationsSharing knowledge

SERE participates on new publication: “Handbooks to Improve the Birds and Habitats Directives Implementation”

SERE has been part of the team producing two new handbooks on Evidence‐based Improvements in the Birds and Habitats Directives Implementation (E-BIND) commissioned by the European Parliament. The handbooks focus on Guidance for improving the availability of data and information on species, habitats and sites (Focus area A) and Scientific...Read More
Decision support systemsSharing knowledge

New book from SER Europe: Guidelines for native seed production and grassland restoration

New book from SER Europe: Guidelines for native seed production and grassland restoration Edited by Kathrin Kiehl, Anita Kirmer, Nancy Shaw & Sabine Tischew (2014) Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 315 pages ISBN 978-1-4438-5900-4 Price: £49.99 World-wide, the degradation and destruction of both natural and traditionally used semi-natural ecosystems is drastically increasing. Unfortunately, commercial seed...Read More
Latest NewsSharing knowledge

WIKI tool for river restoration in Europe

NEW: WIKI tool for river restoration in Europe. An interactive source of information on river restoration schemes from around Europe assembled by the RESTORE partnership. Policy makers, river restoration practitioners and other stakeholders now have a new online tool at their disposal, providing them with hundreds of river restoration case...Read More