SERE affiliated members: extending networks across Europe

SER Europe is keen to build partnerships with national or regional networks on ecological restoration and with thematic working groups focusing for example on the restoration of particular ecosystem types or species groups in Europe.  In such way, SER Europe hopes to contribute to a more effective restoration community outreach and interaction across (1) possible language barriers between practitioners, policy people and scientists, (2) differences between national restoration policy cultures and socio-economic conditions and (3) multiple knowledge disciplines and topics in the theory and practice of ecological restoration.



REVER: the French restoration experts network 

REVER or “Le Réseau d’échanges et de valorisation en écologie de la Restauration” has pretty much the same goals as SER Europe, but is restricted to France. They organize national conferences and other activities that link the French restoration community. In 2014 REVER became an affiliated member of SER Europe.  More information about REVER: (website in French). Contact person: Prof. Dr. Elise Buisson, elise.buisson(at) OR reseaurever (at)


SIRFSIRF: Italian Society of Forest Restoration

The Society is based in the Department of Agriculture, Forestry, Nature and Energy (DAFNE) of Tuscia University (Italy). SIRF was established in 2012 and aims at: (1) showing the illegal or incorrect actions in forest systems, chief causes of forests and environmental degradation; (2) promoting the application of the principles of forestry and environmental restoration; (3) promoting biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of forest resources; (4) supporting the improvement of the quality of the forest and agricultural landscape. SIRF participates in research projects, provides consultancy, training and education and (co-)organizes meetings and conferences. SIRF became an affiliated member of SER Europe in 2015. More information: (website in Italian and English). Contact person: Prof. Dr. Bartolomeo Schirone, schirone(at)


FBER: Finnish Board on Ecological Restoration

The Finnish Board on Ecological Restoration (FBER) is a national collaborative group consisting of managers, scientists, and experts working with habitat restoration and the management of cultural habitats. The group supports restoration and nature management actions both on state-owned and private land. Four expert groups work under the Steering Group: Peatland restoration expert group, Forest restoration expert group, Freshwater habitats restoration expert group and Semi-natural grassland expert group. The Restoration Board together with the expert groups e.g. prepares restoration handbooks and organizes seminars. The Restoration Board is coordinated by Metsähallitus and Finnish Environment Institute. Link to the Finnish web pages: Contact person: Jussi Päivinen, jussi.paivinen(at)


Marca AEETAsociación Española de Ecología Terrestre. The Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology (AEET) is the largest ecological society in Spain and a member of the European Ecological Federation. It’s working group on Ecological Restoration has promoted knowledge exchange on issues related to this topic over the last decade. Contact person: Josu D. Alday, josucham(at)




OBN logoOBN: Dutch Knowledge Network for Restoration and Management of Nature (OBN)

The Dutch OBN Knowledge Network for Nature Restoration and Management is an independent and innovative platform where policymakers, site managers and scientists cooperate in the management and restoration of natural areas. The Network develops and disseminates knowledge to enhance nature quality management and conservation in the Dutch landscapes and in the Atlantic Region. Download the brochure with more information about OBN here (English). Website: (in dutch). Contact person: Wim Wiersinga, w.wiersinga(at)


Netzwerk Renaturierung – German Restoration Network (GRN)

The German Restoration Network (GNR) was founded in 2016 at the Freising Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration Europe. The GNR has members coming from universities as well as from restoration practice in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. A special feature of the network is the high and still increasing proportion of practitioners working in nature conservation authorities, NGOs, planning agencies or wild plant propagation companies. Learning from practical experiences and solving future challenges in ecological restoration is a focus of GNR. Website: Contact person: Sabine.Tischew(at)


CIEEM: the UK Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management 

CIEEM is the leading professional membership body representing and supporting ecologists and environmental managers in the UK, Ireland and abroad. CIEEM was formed in 1991 as the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. From small beginnings, it has grown into an increasingly influential professional body – setting standards, sharing knowledge and providing sound advice to governments on all aspects of ecological and natural environmental management practice. Website: Contact person for the Restoration and Habitat Creation Interest Group of CIEEM: j.mitchley[at]



Eurosite is the network for Europe’s natural site managers. They bring together non-governmental and governmental organisations, and individuals and organisations committed to our vision. Founded in 1989, the network has grown to include members across Europe. The mission of Eurosite is to provide opportunities for practitioners to network and exchange experience on practical nature management. Website:


Rede Portuguesa de Restauro Ecológico
The Portugese Network for Ecological Restoration was created in 2019 and signed a memorandum of understanding with SER Europe on 02/08/2019 at the Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbona, at the occasion of the Congress of the European Ecology Federation. Contact person: Alice Nunes, amanunes[at ] or rede.portuguesa.restauro[at]