The Tartu Declaration SERE2024, issued at the 14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, emphasizes the urgent need to effectively implement the EU Nature Restoration Law, which came into force on August 18, 2024. It highlighted the critical role of nature restoration in addressing the climate and biodiversity crises, recognizing NRL...Read More
European Union takes bold and pioneering steps to restore our nature and safeguard the well-being of European citizens
Brussels, 27/02/2024 – the European Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER-Europe) applauds the adoption of the EU Regulation on Nature Restoration (Nature Restoration Law, NRL) by the European Parliament today. This globally unique and forward-thinking law takes bold and proactive steps to tackle the challenges of biodiversity loss,...Read More
Scientists from almost all EU Member States have joined voices to address individually the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) with the following letter: At the end of February, you will be voting on the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) in the European Parliament. As you know, the NRL has been...Read More
Achieving the European Green Deal through Landscape Restoration: Policy Recommendations for the European Commission
SER Europe has engaged with Commonland the Landscape Finance Lab, as well as 18 other contributors, in a policy briefing offering guidance to EU institutions and Member States on why and how to leverage holistic landscape restoration to substantially, effectively, and efficiently deliver the European Green Deal (EGD). This is the...Read More
#SERE2022 UPDATE: Conference Declaration on the European Comission proposal for a Regulation on Nature Restoration
UPDATE 26.9.22 #SERE2022 Declaration on the European Comission proposal for a Regulation on Nature Restoration The 2022 Declaration is now available with updated supports here. +300 Experts and +200 Speakers from around the world will meet in Alicante to address the European challenges of ecological restoration The XIII European...Read More
Europe on the path to the first Nature Restoration Law globally
A long awaited moment arrived this June 22 with the presentation by EU Vice-president Frans Timmermans and Environment Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevicius of the proposal for an EU Nature Restoration Law (NRL). This will be a legally binding regulation for all Member States, not a directive but a regulation of direct...Read More
Nature Correspondance: EU Nature Restoration Law needs ambitious and binding targets
Today’s (Volume 601 Issue 7892, 13 January 2022) issue of Nature published a correspondence by SER Europe representatives Kris Decleer, Jordi Cortina-Segarra and Aveliina Helm to bring attention to SERE Declaration. The letter states that EU Nature Restoration Law needs ambitious and binding targets: EU Nature Restoration Law needs binding...Read More
The EU French Presidency with the forthcoming Nature Restoration Law
The French Presidency of the EU, opened a week ago, including a website in three languages with a download access to a more detailed programme of the presidency. The Environment/Biodiversity section of the Programme states (bold text as in original document): (…) The Presidency will ensure that the EU steps...Read More
Press Release: 1329 scientists and experts + 30 networks and associations in support of SERE Declaration for an Ambitious EU Nature Restoration Law
Today 10 of December SER Europe, together with an supporting organisations and individuals announce the strong support received towards the Declaration for an Ambitious EU Restoration Law. Read the press release. Visit the updated Declaration page. Watch the Video-statement by Jordi Cortina-Segarra, SER Europe Chair. [vimeo url=”″] Read More
SERE participates on new publication: “Handbooks to Improve the Birds and Habitats Directives Implementation”
SERE has been part of the team producing two new handbooks on Evidence‐based Improvements in the Birds and Habitats Directives Implementation (E-BIND) commissioned by the European Parliament. The handbooks focus on Guidance for improving the availability of data and information on species, habitats and sites (Focus area A) and Scientific...Read More