Saving the EU Nature Restoration Law: the Legal Working Group of SER Europe debunks 6 myths and misconceptions. Read the policy briefing on why the law is essential for legal certainty in biodiversity and climate policies:

English version here: EU Nature Restoration Law essential for legal certainty

Italian version here: IT_La Legge Europea sul Ripristino della Natura IT

Dutch version here: NL_Natuurherstelwet zorgt voor rechtszekerheid_NL

Portuguese version here: PT_A Lei de Restauração da Natureza da UE: Proporcionando segurança jurídica no combate à biodiversidade e à crise climática_PT

Hungarian version here: HU_EU-Nature-Restoration-Law-essential-for-legal-certainty_HU.docx

French version here: FR_La loi européenne sur la restauration de la nature_FR

Spanish version here: ES_Aspectos esenciales de la Ley Europea de Restauración de la Naturaleza_ES

German version here: DE_Das EU-Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung der Natur_DE

Czech version here: CZ_Zákon EU o obnově přírody_CZ

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Download the infographic here: Myths and misconceptions debunked by the SERE Legal working group

Infographic in Dutch: NL_Mythes en misverstanden over de natuurherstelwet_NL

Infographic in Hungarian: HU_Az EU természet-helyreállítási törvénye: mítoszok és tévhitek a SER Jogi Munkacsoportja cáfolja_HU

Infographic in French: FR_La loi européenne sur la restauration de la nature_FR

Infographic in Portuguese: PT_MITOS e equivocos esclarecidos pelo Grupo de Trabalho juridico da SERE_PT

Infographic in Spanish: ES_Mitos y conceptos erróneos desmentidos por el Grupo de Trabajo Legal de la SER_Spanish

Infographic in German: DE_EU Naturschutzrecht: Mythen und Missverständnisse_DE

Infographic in Czech: CZ_Zákon EU o obnově přírody_CZ