Inclusion in Ecological Restoration – Webinar Series
Announcing the “Inclusion in Ecological Restoration” Webinar Series
Inherent in ecological restoration are the people planning, conducting, and benefitting from the work. Historically, the environmental movement predominantly represented White and middle- to upper-class people. Issues of importance to environmental leaders often did not include those important to indigenous groups, communities of color, or people of lower socioeconomic status. While the environmental justice movement that began in the 1990s began to bring these problems to light, systemic inequity and racism still exist within the movement today. One way to help reduce this inequity is to give voice to the diverse objectives and perspectives with stakes in restoration projects. By forming partnerships across cultures and providing platforms to uplift underrepresented voices, restoration projects can serve all stakeholders, play a role in reducing racial injustice, and achieve long-term success through unified engagement.
This webinar series will feature speakers who can highlight stories of community engagement and share lessons of how to form diverse partnerships in the context of restoration from across the northwest region. Join us for a monthly lunch hour learning opportunity!
Inclusion in Ecological Restoration, Reimagining Restoration
Thursday, February 25th, Noon-1 PM PST
Michael Yadrick, SER NW board member, Green Seattle Partnership
View the presentation: https://www.ser.org/news/553987/Open-Access-SERNW-Inclusion-in-Ecological-Restoration-Reimagining-Restoration.htm

Tribal leadership and sovereignty and the relevance of restoration planning
Thursday, March 25th, Noon-1 PM PST
Dezerea Hayes, Sound Transit
View the archived presentation: https://www.ser.org/news/558315/Open-Access-SER-NW-Webinar-Tribal-leadership-and-sovereignty-and-restoration-planning.htm

Healing Communities by Healing the Land, the UW Botanic Gardens Ecological Restoration Symposium
Tuesday, April 13th, all day, online

Sustaining Foods and Medicines on Treaty Lands
Thursday, May 27th: Noon-1 PM PST
Libby Nelson, Tulalip Tribe
This presentation was not recorded out of respect for tribal privacy rights.
Ecological Restoration in the Context of Environmental Racism
Jacqueline Patterson, NAACP
Wed, Jun 9, 2021 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM PDT
Register Here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2991219598191366927
We continue to look for speakers for July and beyond: