Careers Panel
Please join us for an exciting discussion on “Careers in Environmental Restoration” happening Thursday, February 29th, 2024 from 12 pm – 1 pm PST on Zoom (Register Here) – hosted by the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) Northwest Chapter.
The conversation will feature four powerful practitioners from across the broader Northwest region of the US, showcasing different sides of the restoration industry: nursery management, restoration consulting, and non-profit stewardship:
Hugh McGee | Restoration Ecologist, Native Ecosystems | Arcata, CA
Aimee Kelley | Owner/Operator, Great Bear Native Plants | Hamilton, MT
Nanda Ramos | Restoration Coordinator, Friends of Tryon Creek | Portland, OR
Justin Bauer | Project Manager, Mosaic Ecology | Portland, OR
The panelists will tell stories of their career paths and offer insider tips for growing as a leader in the restoration industry. We will also discuss how to start SER associations at Universities, and ways to get involved in the upcoming SER 2024 North American Conference this November.
Register here for the Panel, and be sure to spread the word to students and emerging professionals in your networks!
In solidarity,
Kyle, Lina, and David on behalf of the SERNW Board of Directors