Pub Talk: Can We Combine Forest Restoration and Adaptation?

Diana Six
CANCELLED: *** Due to the public health risks associated with Covid-19 the the pub talk series has been temporarily suspended ***
Diana Six, Professor of Forest Entomology/Pathology at the University of Montana, “Can we combine forest restoration and adaptation?”
Wednesday, March 11, 6-8 pm
Imagine Nation Brewing Community Room
Geum Environmental Consulting, Inc. in cooperation with the Society for Ecological Restoration and the Northwest Chapter host pub talks aimed at increasing local learning and networking opportunities related to ecological restoration.
Upcoming pub talks and other information related to ecological restoration work and opportunities in Western Montana are announced through our List Serv for the Western Montana Restoration Community. To request to join the Western Montana Restoration Community List Serv send your name and email address to Amy Sacry at: asacry[at]geumconsulting[dot]com. A full list of pub talks in this series can be found here.
Forthcoming Pub Talks:
Wednesday, April 8, 6-8 pm, Imagine Nation Brewing Community Room, Mark Vander Meer, Restoration Ecologist with Watershed Consulting, “Riparian revegetation in Lebanon – Issues after 5,000 years of heavy use”
Wednesday, May 13, 6-8 pm, Imagine Nation Brewing Community Room, Patrick Hurley, Restoration Ecologist with ICF Jones & Stokes, “Engineered log jams restore ecological structure and function in the Entiat River”