Design to Dirt Workshop Series
In 2006, SER Northwest expanded its 2005 Design to Dirt Workshop series to include a fourth training in the series. Entitled Stream Erosion Control Alternatives, the training was presented at the 2006 SER Nothwest Chapter Conference.
Streambank erosion evaluations, causes, and solutions are all complex and controversial subjects. This workshop presented an overview of a river reach approach in a watershed context of: (1) what is streambank erosion: (2) how can rates of streambank erosion be evaluated; (3) what are the causes of streambank erosion; (4) what are the ways to identify active streambank erosion; (5) what techniques and fluvial geomorphic data are needed to evaluate a streambank erosion problem; (6) what are a reasonable range of alternative treatments, including doing nothing, and what are the field conditions where various alternative conditions are applicable; (7) what fluvial geomorphic conditions are critical to the decision to design a treatment; and (8) what kind of monitoring should be done to determine success or failure of the action.
Frank Reckendorf, PhD, CEG in OR, CG in WA. Consulting Fluvial Geomorphologist, Reckendorf and Associates, Salem, OR. Dr. Reckendorf was the Fluvial Geomorphologist for the SCS West National Technical Center, and accumulated 48 years of experience working with thousands of different reaches of streams and floodplains. He has been an expert witness for legal cases, and has been an adjunct Associate Professor in the Geology Department at Portland State. Email:
Barry Southerland, PhD, is a Fluvial Geomorphologist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service West National Technical Support Center. Dr. Southerland has worked in geomorphology, analysis, planning, and design since 1991. He has been involved in the implementation of several watershed studies, designs and restorations. He has authored several watershed management plans and large-scale geomorphic restoration plans. Email:
Presentation Files
All files are pdf and some may take a few moments to download.
Introduction – Outline
Part 1 – Introduction and Definitions (Reckendorf 1) 2063 KB
Part 2 – Fluvial Processes (Reckendorf 2) 5847 KB
Part 3 – Erosion (Reckendorf 3) 5755 KB
Part 4 – Fluvial Geomorphic Conditions (Southerland 1) 3763 KB
Part 5 – Habitat Conditions (Southerland 2) 7343 KB
Part 6 – Treatment Strategies (Southerland 3) 5694 KB
Part 7 – Monitoring (Southerland 4) 5237 KB