2017 Ecological Restoration Symposium: Applying Ecological Concepts to Project Design
The 2017 Ecological Restoration Symposium: Applying Ecological Concepts to Project Design, will be held in Seattle on May 10.
An extensive network of professional restoration practitioners are actively engaged in restoring habitats in the Pacific Northwest. In the Ecological Restoration Symposium, we will present case studies to explore lessons learned from recent projects, enhance participants’ understanding and knowledge of best practices, and stimulate thinking about alternative approaches to tackle thorny problems. Come to ask questions, to hear your colleagues’ stories of their successes and challenges, and to learn about cutting-edge approaches being used to improve restoration project success.
This symposium is co-sponsored by the University of Washington Botanic Gardens and the Northwest Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration and is part of a new collaboration to provide continuing education for restoration ecology practitioners.
Speakers, program information and registration available at: http://bit.ly/restoration-symposium
- Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 8:30am – 3:30pm
- University of Washington Botanic Gardens, Center for Urban Horticulture
- Cost: $85 (lunch included), $45 for full-time students and corps members