SER-BC has recently expanded to become SER-WC!

Please help us develop our Restoration Showcase and contact us if you know of any relevant projects.

Wascana Creek

Wascana CreekThis presentation outlines restoration techniques, including soil bioengineering, used to reduce erosion and slumping along a dyke adjacent to Wascana Creek.





Nature Conservancy of Canada Southern Saskatchewan Properties

Burrowing_OwlThis article summarizes the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s work to re-establish native grasses on two parcels of land in southern Saskatchewan totaling 59 hectares. A description of the native grass species used and the benefits for erosion control and burrowing owl habitat creation are included.


Wildlife Habitat Canada Projects

Wildlife Habitat Canada has been involved in a number of restoration projects across Saskatchewan. Summaries of these projects are available on their website.