Internships/Jobs in the Region:
We post regional jobs and internships through our social media accounts. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn to stay up to date on potential job openings and internships.
The Ohio Natural Areas & Preserves Association (ONAPA) is once again looking for candidates for our seasonal stewardship assistant positions. We plan to have 3 positions again this year, contracted for 6-7 months from May-November for 2-3 days each week. These positions are open to recent college graduates, graduate students, and senior college students in the fields of biology, botany or zoology, natural resources, resource management, and related biological fields. The hope is for each individual to gain more field experience, training, and networking to help them find full-time jobs in the future. The stewardship assistants will be conducting habitat management, rare plant surveys, preserve monitoring and maintenance, and some administrative duties in natural areas all over the state.
Click hereONAPAposition2020 for more information.
Internships/Jobs outside of the Region:
SER also compiles international jobs and internships on the SER Job Board.