Featured Request for Sponsor Proposals for 2025 Annual Chapter Meeting.

Winter Webinar

Thursday, January 26 – 12:00-1:00pm CST / 1:00-2:00pm EST

“Managing Midwestern Ecosystem Restorations in the Face of Changing Climate.”


Description: A panel of experts and practitioners in the field of Ecological Restoration will discuss the planning and management of midwestern ecosystems (woodlands, savannas, prairies and wetlands) in light of the reality of climate change.  The panelist  will give a short presentations for the different ecosystems and then we will take both questions and comments from the audience to enhance the discussion.   Details to follow.


Archived Webinars:

  • May 2017:  The Morton Arboretum is developing a new blended learning format to support educational needs of volunteer stewards conducting restoration. The multimedia initiative combines online modules, field experiences, and traditional classes. This teaching style allows audiences to access interactive course materials from home computers, which strengthens capacity in community engagement.  Webinar is archived at https://vimeo.com/220416896

  • June 2016:  Speakers from USEPA and CSRA spoke about “EPA Process and Quality Assurance Practices for Restoration Projects”.  Wednesday, June 29, 2016.  Webinar is archived at https://vimeo.com/220418920.

MWGL flyer-June Webinar EPA

  • March 2016:  Speakers from Ohio Prairie Nursery discussed the importance of proper seed mixes in restoration.   Wednesday, March 9, 2016.  Webinar is archived at https://vimeo.com/158386237.MWGL flyer-March OPN Webinar final


  • January 2016:  Speakers from the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District discussed the Times Beach, NY Confined Disposal Facility Restoration Project, and how lessons learned in promoting native flora establishment and invasive species control have been used at similar projects in the region and across the nation.    Tuesday, January 26, 2016.  Webinar is archived at https://vimeo.com/153256266.  


  • October 2015:  The Midwest-Great Lakes chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration, Tallgrass Prairie and Oak Savanna Fire Science Consortium, and Lake States Fire Science Consortium teamed up to present the webinar:  Past Fire and Present-Day Mesophication: Implications for Oak Ecosystem Restoration featuring Greg Nowacki of the United States Forest Service. Thursday, October 15, 2015,  12pm CT/1pm ET.  Webinar is archived at http://carmenconnect.osu.edu/p644jpxuo35/.