Memorial Union, Indiana University

Indiana Memorial Union, Indiana University, Bloomington  IN, site of the NAA annual conference and the Tuesday lunch in the Tudor Room.

The Natural Areas Association (NAA) will hold its annual conference October 23-25 in Bloomington, Indiana and the Midwest Great Lakes Chapter of SER (the Society for Ecological Restoration) will be there.  Come join us.


On Tuesday October 23, the opening day of the conference, the chapter will host an informal lunch for chapter members, and prospective members.   The lunch will be from 12 noon to 1:30 in the Tudor Room of the Indiana Memorial Union.  You need not be registered for the NAA conference to attend the lunch.  Hosted by Mary Damm, SER MWGL Board member from Indiana, will host the lunch.  This will be an opportunity to meet other SER members and to learn more about the chapter’s mission and activities.


For more information about the NAA event contact email us. To learn more about SER and the chapter, visit our website at: