The Society for Ecological Restoration’s Midwest Great-Lakes Chapter (SER MWGL) invites all interested parties to submit a meeting host proposal for the 2021 Annual Chapter Meeting. The deadline for submitting a meeting host proposal is March 6, 2020 and meeting host proposals should be submitted via email to the Annual Meeting Chair Rocky Smiley ( and our Chapter President Steve Glass (

Click here for generalSolicitationLetter2021 2 to view a pdf of containing additional information related to developing a meeting host proposal and information related to the organization of the annual chapter meetings. Meeting hosts receive the following top tier Sponsorship benefits: 1) a minimum of eight free meeting registrations, 2) exhibit space, 3) advertising with their institutional logos placed on the cover of the meeting program and the cover of the abstract book, and 4) a full page ad in the meeting program and the abstract book. Additionally, for those meeting hosts who are interested we will provide an opportunity to hold a plenary session and tour during the chapter meeting that will be devoted to highlighting the host institution’s ecological restoration work.

In summary hosting SER MWGL Chapter Meetings are a great way to promote your organization and the ecological restoration work that you are doing. Please contact Rocky Smiley ( if you have any questions regarding this matter.