Just a reminder to those of you planning to submit proposals for the 2019 SER Midwest Great Lakes Annual Meeting that the deadline for submission of workshop and symposia proposals at Central College is this Friday December 7, 2018.


The Midwest Great Lakes organization is a Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER).


Additionally, the deadline for submitting an abstract for a contributed oral or poster presentation is Friday December 21, 2018.   We encourage the submission of workshop proposals, symposia proposals, and contributed presentation abstracts that are directly related to the meeting theme and goals and abstracts involving any topic related to ecological restoration.


Pdf and word document files with more details related to the submission process and formatting instructions are now available on our annual meeting webpage (http://chapter.ser.org/midwestgreatlakes/current-meeting/).


Rocky Smiley
At-Large Representative/Annual Meeting Chair
SER Midwest-Great Lakes Chapter


Dates: April 12 to April 14, 2019

Location:  Central College inPella, Iowa

December 7, 2018: Deadline for Symposia and Workshop Proposals


December 21, 2018: Deadline for Contributed Oral and Poster Presentation Abstracts


January 2019:  Registration opens

For more information and updates please see the Annual Meeting Webpage