2025 Webinars

Thursday, February 19, 2025 Indigenous-led conservation and stewardship: An avenue to reconciliation and meaningful local and regional development with Valérie Courtois

Join us on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. EST // 12:30 p.m. ATL for a webinar about Indigenous-led conservation and stewardship with Valérie Courtois.


Ms. Courtois will be exploring the evolution of Indigenous-led conservation and stewardship in what is now known as Canada; contextualize this movement within history, and demonstrate the partnership and allyship opportunities to practitioners and other organizations.

Valérie Courtois is the executive director of the Indigenous Leadership Initiative and a leading expert on the national movement of Indigenous-led conservation and stewardship building across Canada. The Indigenous Leadership Initiative is dedicated to strengthening Indigenous Nationhood as a path to fulfilling the responsibility to care for lands and waters. Courtois is a member of the Innu community of Mashteutiatsh, located on the shore of Peikuakamit in the heart of what is now known as Québec. She is also a registered professional forester who specializes in Indigenous issues, forest ecology and ecosystem-based management and planning. This webinar will be in English.

To register, click here.

This webinar has been pre-approved for 1 CEC credit for CERP/CERPIT organized by the Society for Ecological Restoration.


2024 Webinars archive - Archive des webinaires de 2024

2024 Webinars

Wednesday, December 4, 2024 Native seed collection: myths and best practices.


Dr. Holly Abbandonato is a Plant Ecologist with Ducks Unlimited Canada (Atlantic), where she has worked since 2022. She earned her PhD in Earth and Environmental Science from the University of Pavia in 2017, following an M.Sc. from the Arctic University of Norway in 2014. She also holds three degrees from the University of New Brunswick: a BScENR in Environment and Natural Resources (2012), a BSc in Biology (2011), and a BA in Anthropology (2011). Dr. Abbandonato serves on the Steering Committee for Canada’s National Native Seed Strategy. Her current research focuses on salt marsh restoration and carbon sequestration in Atlantic Canada.

This webinar will explore the myths and best practices of native seed collection and use. Participants will gain insight into the key differences between agronomic and native seeds, highlighting how native seeds exemplify ecological resilience, foster biodiversity, and thrive in local ecosystems. This webinar will be in English with the option for AI-generated translated captions in French.



Le 10 octobre 2024 Pour définir et quantifier l’économie de la restauration écologique // Defining and quantifying the ecological restoration economy


Nicolas Mansuy est un chercheur au Service canadien des forêts du Centre de foresterie du Nord (CFN) à Edmonton et professeur adjoint à l’Université de l’Alberta et à l’UQAT. Le webinaire sera en français avec des diapositives en français, option de sous-titres en anglais par IA.

Nicolas Mansuy is a researcher with the Canadian Forest Service of the Northern Forestry Centre (Edmonton) and an assistant professor at the University of Alberta and UQAT. The webinar will be in French with French slides, option for English subtitles using AI.



Le 15 février 2024 Création de milieux humides dans les bancs d’emprunt // Creation of wetlands in borrow pits
Joanie Tremblay et François Quinty – Géographes chez WSP // Geographers with WSP

Webinaire en français avec les diapositives en français // Webinar in French with French slides


Diapos : Création de milieux humides dans les bancs d’emprunt_JTFQ_VF


January 31, 2024 Ecological Indicators for Designed Ecosystems in urban contexts // Indicateurs écologiques pour les écosystèmes construits en milieu urbain
Alison D. Munson (PhD) – Professor and researcher, Department of Wood and Forest Sciences, Université Laval (Québec) // Professeure et chercheure, Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt, Université Laval (Québec)

Webinar in English with French slides  // Webinaire en anglais avec les diapositives en français


2023 Webinars archive - Archive des webinaires de 2023

2023 Webinars

November 21, 2023 Certification for ecological restoration practitioners 
Karen Tekverk – Certification Program Manager – Society for Ecological Restoration


October 18, 2023 SER-EC Webinar: The State of health of peatlands in Canada – Restoration Priorities
Line Rochefort, PERG, Université Laval













17 octobre 2023 Webinaire SER-EC : L’état de santé des tourbières au Canada – Priorités de restauration
Line Rochefort, GRET, Université Laval













18 avril 2023 Webinaire SER-EC : Un outil de planification écologique pour les tourbières de la région Eeyou Istchee Baie-James
Nicole Fenton, Chaire 
industrielle CRSNG – UQAT sur la biodiversité en contexte minier











22 Mars 2023 Webinaire SER-EC : Programme de restauration et de création de milieux humides et hydriques
Sébastien Amodeo, Biologiste M.Sc., Coordonateur, PRCMHH











2022 and beyond Webinars archive - Archive des webinaires de 2022 et années antérieures

2022 Webinars

December 07, 2022 SER-EC Webinar: Wetland Compensation in Nova Scotia – regulatory context and case study review 
Andy Walter, Senior Project Manager and Wetland Restoration 












2021 Webinars

• Title: Making Room for Wetlands: In Review



• Title: The Nashwaak Greenway Project – Scaling up community-based restoration
Project Coordinator, Natalie Deseta will be presenting on the Nashwaak Watershed Association’s (NWAI) community-based approach to leave room for the river and restore and conserve native floodplain forested wetlands in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The Nashwaak Greenway Project aims to increase community resilience in a changing climate – by increasing landscape connectivity, mitigating local overland flooding, providing critical habitat for native aquatic and terrestrial species, and connecting people with nature through provision of recreational green space that they are helping to restore and steward.

• Official launching of SER-EC, December 1st, 2021. Presentation (PDF format) available on request.