Webinar: Regenerating the Diversity of Life in Soils


This webinar will explore how the evolution of diverse lifeforms has shaped this planet and how we can co-opt the biological communities in soil that evolved over the last 500 million years. Methods to restore microbial diversity in our soils include: increasing soil fertility, crop productivity, and profitability in farms and rangeland. Metagenomics and metatranscriptomics […]

Webinar: Estuaries


Estuaries are amongst Canada’s rarest and most productive habitats. The dynamic nature of estuaries makes them a hotspot for biodiversity and they are also a migratory stopover habitat both for species moving from the ocean into rivers and for bird species traveling north/south along the coast. Yet the very dynamism that results in such natural […]

WEBINAR – Maintaining quail and grassland bird habitat in the agricultural landscape: CP33 – Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds


Northern bobwhite quail and many other grassland bird species have experienced significant population declines over the last several decades. Loss of native grassland habitat is one of the primary causes of these declines. The CP33 – Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds is a Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) practice that provides nesting and brooding habitat […]

Webinar – Waterton Lakes National Park: return of the northern leopard frog


Prairie Conservation Action Plan's next Native Prairie Speaker Series webinar is coming up! Presentation: "Waterton Lakes National Park: return of the northern leopard frog" Speaker: Kimberly Pearson, Ecosystem Scientist, Conservation and Restoration Project Manager, Waterton Lakes National Park Thursday August 2nd, 2018 at 12:00pm MST Register Free: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1657272278075224835 This presentation is FREE! Tune in from anywhere! […]

ERSA/SER-WC Webinar: Experience with SER’s CERP program

Join five of the SER-WC Board members to learn more about their experience with SER's Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner program! Presenters: Dave Polster, Zachary Moore, Andy Owens, Mae Whyte, Keith MacCallum, Erin Roberts. To register, please visit: https://sfu.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5MpcuyvrDgrEtHOG6oUKmTnt7u8OSStRzKT

WEBINAR: Restoring Interactions – Examining the Translational Role Symbiotic Fungi Can Have in Restoring Plant Communities

Tuesday, April 19, 2022 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PDT / 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. MDT In the midst of increased ecosystem degradation and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, it is important that we continually evaluate our restoration practices. Restoration practices generally have a taxonomic bias towards plant species and communities. However, by […]
