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Restoration Event and Weed Pull
12 May 2016
Revelstoke Greenbelt Inukshuk. The Revelstoke Reach Restoration Project
The Revelstoke Reach Restoration Project, aided by many community volunteers, has already planted hundreds of live stakes and small shrubs in the Downie Marsh region. This year we will be continuing to create patches of native cottonwood riparian habitat, by planting live stakes of willow, dogwood, and cottonwood that will eventually shade out the competing reed canarygrass and help return the sites to native riparian ecosystems. Please join us for an informal discussion about restoration work underway, planned, or imagined for thefuture in the Revelstoke area. Our team of biologists and project partners will be hosting an information session at the Greenbelt Inukshuk (or Community Centre in case of inclement weather) – we hope you can drop by! For more information please contact Mandy Kellner (Kingbird Biological Consultants 250-837-0820/mandy.kellner@gmail.com) or Robyn Hooper (Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society). Sponsored by CSISS and FWCP, in partnership with the Splatsin First Nation and North Columbia Environmental Society.