TXSER Membership Benefits:
Networking is an important function of TXSER, bringing together individuals to share ideas, experiences, and problems. This exchange of knowledge increases the effectiveness of our members state-wide.
Annual Conference:
Our annual conference is the primary mechanism for bringing our members together. Typically held in the fall, speakers present papers on restoration theory, projects, education, and even art from around Texas. Field trips and social events are key elements of the conference, allowing members to see active projects in the vicinity of the conference, as well as to meet informally with their peers to discuss restoration.
Restoration Volunteer Days:
Throughout the year TXSER supports the restoration efforts of its members around the state. Members are invited to participate in restoration projects and to lend their expertise and energy. These are great opportunities to see projects up close, ask questions, and gain insight into restoration techniques in various parts of the state, each with its unique environmental parameters and project goals.
To join us:
- TXSER chapter fees are $15 per year. We encourage you to join both SER and TXSER to be involved in restoration issues and activities from the international to the local level.
- Be sure to check Texas as your chapter affiliate. We look forward to meeting you.