Québec City relaunches the Québec RE3 Conference, from June 11-15th, 2023

We are proud to participate in a joint conference from June 11th to 15th, 2023, at the third year of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030). Conference partners: Ontario chapter of SER (SER-O) Society for Ecological Restoration – Eastern Canada (SER-EC) Canadian Land Reclamation Association (CLRA) Canadian chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientist […]

The Society for Ecological Restoration hosted its 9th World Conference on Ecological Restoration 21 – 24 June 2021

http://www.ser2021.org/ Over four days, more than 1,400 professionals, students, academics, artists and restoration leaders from around the world gathered to share knowledge and innovation on ecological restoration. Presentations from the conference are now available in the conference library on the SER website.  

Virtual Field Trip to Jim Covey Lakeview Conservation Area – Friday Nov 6, 2020

2020 Restoration Field Trip Program Our virtual field trip to the Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation Area in Mississauga, Ontario was hosted together with Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) on Friday November 6, 2020. Watch a recording of the field trip on Facebook.

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Call for Posters – Fleming EcoHealth Conference

Call for research posters for the Fleming EcoHealth Conference. March 25th 2017. https://ecohealthconference.wixsite.com/ecohealthconference This year the Ecosystem Management and Urban Forestry programs from Fleming College Frost Campus have partnered to host an ecosystem health conference. The conference themed ‘Healthy Planet,...Read More

Tallgrass Ontario AGM June 25 2016

  Tallgrass Ontario Annual General Meeting & Information Session Ojibway Nature Centre   https://serchapter2018.wpengine.com/ontario/files/2016/06/TGO-AGM-Agenda-2016.pdf   5200 Matchette Road, Windsor, ON N8X 3N6 (Agenda, registration information and directions attached) Saturday June 25th, 2016 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM The Tallgrass Ontario...Read More

June 12-16 – Conference: Coastal Zone

http://www.czcatoronto2016.com/   CZCA Conference Theme, Sub-Themes, and Topics Conference Theme: Coastal Futures; Resilience through Collaboration Sub-Theme: Technical Investigations Sub-Theme Topics: Sea Level Rise and Climate Change Hazards Flooding and Erosion Risks Beach Health and Water Quality State of Marine and...Read More