NANPS Annual Spring Native Plant Sale
The North American Native Plant Society is holding three sales of wildflowers, ferns, grasses, trees and shrubs. Learn how to attract birds, butterflies and other pollinators and help restore local
ecologies. Knowledgeable volunteers will be on hand to help choose the right plants for your location from hundreds of species.
More details here: http://www.nanps.org/index.php/activities/annual-plant-sale-2016
If your members would like more information please email me at abutt@nanps.org or phone 416-631-4438.
Annual Spring Native Plant Sale
Saturday May 7, 2016, 10 am to 3 pm
Markham Civic Centre, 101 Town Centre Blvd., Markham, ON
(Hwy 7 & Warden) Free parking and admission.
The plant list and member online ordering are available at www.nanps.org from mid-March to April 17 for pickup at the Markham Civic Centre on the day of the sale.
Toronto Native Plant Sales
Saturday May 14, 2016, 11 am to 4 pm
Artisans at Work, 2071 Danforth Ave. Toronto (Woodbine subway station)
Sunday May 29, 2016, 12 to 4 pm
Christie Pits, 750 Bloor St. W. South end of Park, Toronto
(Christie subway station)
All plants come from NANPS-approved ethical growers and are grown without neonicotinoids.
The North American Native Plant Society is a volunteer-based, non-profit registered charitable organization dedicated to the study, conservation, cultivation and restoration of native plants.