CASIOPA 2014 – Effective Environmental Monitoring – Conference and Workshop
The Annual Spring CASIOPA Conference and Workshop Effective Environmental Monitoring
Centre for Applied Sciences in Ontario Protected Areas (CASIOPA)
Thursday April 10 2014 & Friday April 11, 2014 University of Waterloo Summit Centre for the Environment 87 Forbes Hill Drive, Huntsville, ON https://uwaterloo.ca/waterloo-summit-centre
Download the CASIOPA – Environmental Monitoring Conference- Circular
Objective Day 1: Planned around several plenary style talks that should help stimulate discussion in the afternoon about how the participants at large think about doing long term monitoring in terms of effectiveness and ability to pay for it (which can include more in-kind and partnership arrangements as budgets tighten further).
Objective Day 2: To provide researchers, practitioners, and graduate students with the opportunity to present applied Ontario-based case studies pertaining to environmental monitoring. While the session is open to various protected areas issues, presentations should focus on the role of protected areas in serving scientific research and monitoring, and should address the implications for current policy, planning and management. This could include, for examples, presentations on the record of research and monitoring in parks and how this is influencing decision- making/policy/management at various levels (e.g., species at risk, wildlife management, ecological restoration efforts, invasive species, climate change).
- Accommodations: Local hotels include Holiday Inn, Best Western, Motel 6, Knights Inn etc.
- Audience: Professionals and students from private, public, NGO and academic sectors interested in expert advice, roundtable participation, and contributing presentations to the thorny problem of how conservation science is or is not put into effective practice. Day 1 will be presentations from senior personnel in environmental monitoring; attendees then engage in roundtable discussions. Day 2 will focus on contributed presentations from attendees.
- Registration: Opened Feb 28 – The Registration Fee is either $40/person/day or a 2-day flat rate of $50/person [= $25/day] (covers part of the cost of breaks, lunch, and facility rental).
- Lead Contact: Where to send registration? E-mail registration intent to Stephen Murphy stephen.murphy@uwaterloo.ca.
- Payment: Please send registration payment to Stephen Murphy at Department of Environment & Resource Studies, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West,WaterlooON,N2L3G1. Payment is via cheque only – cheques must be payable to the “University of Waterloo”. If bringing payment in person: Cheques only please; we will not have cash.
Sponsored By:
Centre for Applied Sciences in Ontario Protected Areas (CASIOPA) University of Waterloo Summit Centre for the Environment
University of Waterloo Centre for Ecosystem Resilience & Adaptation University of Waterloo – Department of Environment & Resource Studies