Natural regeneration serving Indigenous and other communities

Natural regeneration approaches are becoming increasingly applied by Indigenous and farming communities where financial resources are scarce and regeneration can be incorporated into existing practices.  Ecosystem recovery at these sites improves the viability of traditional lifestyles, avoiding the breakup of communities and migration to cities.

Outstanding examples can be seen at the following links

Indigenous examples

  1. Banni Grasses, Kachchh region of Gujarat India
    These native grasslands are the places situated in the northern part of the Gujarat states and do not receive more than 100 cm rainfall throughout the year. Some patches of the Banni grassland were densely occupied by mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) an invasive species previously introduced as fodder. The following images show how villagers from Bhirenderia, India, cut the mesquite to remove competition and allow regeneration of native grass species.

Further reading: