West Michigan Restoration Talk and Tour

Sponsored by the Midwest Great Lakes Chapter of SER

Please join the Michigan branch of the MidWest Great Lakes Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) on Friday, October 18th, 1 pm ~ 5pm+ as we tour two restoration sites in West Michigan.

The first tour will visit an oak savanna/prescribed fire research project in Ottawa County, Michigan.

The second tour will visit a site that was excavated 20’ and responded with the emergence of a high quality Atlantic Coastal Plain/Interdunal Wetland community from a paleo-seedbank in Muskegon County, Michigan.  We will meet at Kindschi Hall on the campus of Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Allendale, MI at 1 pm.  After the tours, we will gather at a local brewery in Allendale for socialization and to discuss all things restoration.

Please email Todd Aschenbach aschenbt@gvsu.edu if you plan on attending – this will give help determine the need for parking passes or carpool options.