A field trip to view roadside vegetation management projects Iowa.


The call for abstracts for contributed oral and poster presentations and the call for symposia and workshop proposals for the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Midwest-Great Lakes SER Chapter is now open!  This year our Annual Meeting will be held at Central College in Pella, Iowa from April 12 to April 14, 2019.


The theme of the meeting is “Cultivating Innovative Restoration Connections in the Midwest.”


We encourage the submission of presentation abstracts and symposia/workshop proposals that are directly related to the meeting theme and goals and abstracts involving any topic related to ecological restoration. The deadline for the submission of abstracts for contributed presentations is December 21, 2018. The deadline for submission of symposia and workshop proposals is December 7, 2018.

Please click here for the one page call for abstracts for contributed presentations:

Please click here  for the one page call for symposia and workshop proposals: