Sponsorship Opportunities
BUSINESS $500 plus one $25 and one $50 giveaway gift for Happy Hour event
• One free conference registration
• Exhibit table during happy hour events and poster presentations
• Logo featured on registration website and in conference materials
• Name included on sponsor signage at event
BUSINESS $1,000 plus one $25 and one $50 giveaway gift for Happy Hour event
• Two free conference registrations
• Exhibit table during happy hour events and poster presentations
• Logo & company description (30 words) listed as “Champion” on conference website and materials
• Name included on sponsor signage at event
• Opportunity to provide promotional insert in conference folder
• Opportunity to provide marketing slides to be run during conference breaks
Student Scholarship $300+ (Value and openings unlimited)
Sponsor a student to attend this year’s event. Each scholarship will include the following:
• One free conference registration
• Recognition at Conference
• Corporate/Organization/Personal name on registration website and in conference materials
• Name included on sponsor signage at event
For questions and to register as a sponsor, contact Robert Wachter at Robert.Wachter@wsp.com