Featured SER North American Conference – Oct 28 to Nov 1



Webinars – Empowering Tribal Culture, Ecology, and Food Systems

In celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day, please enjoy this free webinar series, organized by Jeremy Pinto at the US Forest Service, RMRS. Webinar Series: Empowering Tribal Culture, Ecology, and Food Systems Register here: https://westernforestry.org/upcoming-conferences/2020-empowering-tribal-culture-ecology-and-food-systems-webinar-series-free Weekly each Wednesday, September 30 –...Read More

Updated – USGS Greater Sage-grouse Annotated Bibliography

The USGS Open-File Report “Annotated bibliography of scientific research on greater sage-grouse published from 2015 to 2019” compiles and summarizes 238 research products about the conservation, management, monitoring, and assessment of Greater sage-grouse published between 2015 and 2019. The newly...Read More

Certification Window Open – CERPs and CERPIT

Another certification application window opened yesterday, August 17, for both Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioners (CERPs) and Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioners In-Training (CERPIT). The application is available here: https://www.ser.org/page/CERPApplications and is open through October 16, 2020.Read More

Webinar: Generation Restoration – September 10

Travis Sowards, President of the GB-SER student chapter at Brigham Young University, will be presenting in this webinar. September 10: SER Webinar: Generation Restoration Speaker: Wilmar Ovares, Travis Sowards. SER has 19 student associations around the world. This webinar will...Read More