Would you like to get involved on one of our standing committees?

Email SERRockyMountains@gmail.com to let us know you are interested or ask questions, and we’ll be in touch soon.


Outreach committee

The Outreach Committee shall organize public lectures, workshops, and festivals and shall work with the Treasurer to solicit external support for such. (CeRSER Bylaws VII.2.b)

Will Duggins – Chair (2023 – 2025);

  • Sara Copp
  • Michael Curran
  • Rebecca Hufft
  • David Ross
  • Susan Sherrod

Communications committee

The Communications committee shall maintain the SER-RM web site, and other electronic media, and shall produce and distribute notices of Chapter events, and other printed and electronic materials that further the Chapter objectives and activities. (CeRSER Bylaws VII.2.a)

Sabrina Kleinman – Chair (2023 – 2025)

  • Jayne Jonas
  • Magda Garbowski
  • Megan Bowes

Scientific Meeting Committee

The Scientific Meeting Committee shall organize a periodic regional scientific meeting. The Scientific Meeting Committee will organize and appoint subcommittees as needed that will report to the Scientific Meeting Committee. (CeRSER Bylaws VII.2.d)

Jeremy Sueltenfuss – Chair (April 2020 – 2022)

Membership Committee

More info to come . . .