The High Altitude Revegetation Committee and
Central Rockies Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration
were excited to host a joint 2015 Conference and Workshop

High Altitude Restoration Science & Practice
March 10-12, 2015, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado

 Ballroom audience Stednick 1

The HAR – CeRSER Conference attracted 265 registrants and featured 40 oral presentations and 28 poster presentations. Keynote presentations by Dr. Jim Harris (Cranfield University), Dr. Pete Fule (Northern Arizona University), Dr. Susan Meyer (US Forest Service), and Dr. David Cooper (Colorado State University) provided the insightful context to novel ecosystems, forest restoration in changing climates, exotic species, and wetland restoration opportunities.

Opening remarks - Randy 3

Very nice breadth and expertise of keynote speakers. ~Conference participant


Left: CeRSER President, Randy Mandel, opening the conference

Below right: Audience during keynote by Dr. Jim Harris


Ballroom audience Eckert and Fule

Additional highlights include

  1. Pre-conference workshop on the design and implementation of monitoring and assessment that featured various field experts from Colorado and Wyoming,
  2. Engaging program with presentations from restoration professionals, academics, and students.
  3. Student mixer that attracted 50 professional  practitioners and aspiring  restorationists, and
  4. Sold-out PubTalk presentation by Kevin Fedarko author of the bestselling novel “The Emerald Mile”.

Workshop - forestry session 10


Good opportunities to talk with and learn from other people in the HAR world. Great assemblage of experts and topics. Very informative!
~Conference participant



Left: Pre-conference workshop breakout session on forestry methods

Below right: Kevin Fedarko pub talk at New Belgium Brewery

Fedarko 1

Far below: Participants enjoying a lunch break



Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we were able to unite industry representatives, private and public agency practitioners, and researchers to share valuable information and showcase regional and global restoration initiatives.

Thank you to all our participants, sponsors, the High Altitude Revegetation Committee, and the Central Rockies chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration for a great conference!


Lunch break 1

HAR-CeRSER sposors 


Questions? Please contact harcerser at
You can also follow us on Twitter: @HAR_CeRSER_2015, #HARCeRSER2015