Become a Chapter Member!
We want to encourage you to join the Great Basin SER Chapter. Chapter dues are just $15 and discounted membership dues are provided for students at $5. Members receive the following membership benefits: 1) an opportunity to network with colleagues and showcase their work at Annual Chapter Meetings; 2) reduced Chapter Meeting registration rates; and 3) opportunities to discuss ecological restoration topics in the Chapter Newsletter and Facebook page.
One must be a member of SER to join the Great Basin Chapter of SER. To join the chapter and SER, just click HERE to download a membership application, complete the membership application, and fax or mail the completed application and your payment to:
Great Basin SER
c/o Society for Ecological Restoration
1017 O Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20001 USA
Phone: 202.299.9518
Fax: 270.626.5485