Workshop Grants (up to $2400 awarded every year, $1200 max for a single award)
To support and promote the communication of management challenges and approaches among diverse stakeholders and community groups, SERSW offers workshop grants that address information, resource, research, and training needs within restoration and land management in the Southwest.
We may also provide free conference registration for conference attendees that host a workshop during the conference.
Who is eligible to apply?
- The primary applicant must be an active SERSW member
- The workshop must be targeted at management within the SERSW EcoRegion
Application Requirements
- Contact information of applicant including their group affiliation
- Resume of lead applicant (PDF preferred)
- Workshop Proposal
- Title Page (1 page)
- project title
- 300 word abstract that summarizes the project goals, anticipated outcomes, and evaluation and dissemination plans
- principal investigator’s name and affiliation
- co-investigator name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) (if any)
- total amount requested
- Project Description Format (3 pages max, not including references)
- Background and Rationale: Please provide background information specifying the rationale for the workshop and the anticipated audience, highlighting pertinent management challenges and goals
- Objectives: Specify project goals and objectives and highlight how this work aligns with the associated management goals or challenges
- Participants: Specify plans to identify and advertise to potential workshop attendees
- Anticipated Outcomes: Specify what are the expected short-term and long-term outcomes of the project.
- Dissemination Plan: Specify what project products and outcomes (instructional materials, professional development materials, exhibits, evaluation results, etc.) will be developed and how they will be shared with others who may be interested in using them
- References: Include citations for any journal articles, books, websites, or other resources cited in the project description. Brief, embedded references are preferred.
- Itemized Budget Justification (1 page max)
- Expenses may include rental fees for facilities, meals, and transportation
- Workshop hosts must exercise discretion and judgment in ensuring that conference costs are appropriate, necessary and managed in a manner that minimizes costs
- Title Page (1 page)
Expectations if awarded a grant
- Any successful applicants must submit a brief summary of the workshop for the SERSW newsletter
- Successful applicants will have up to a year from award date to host workshop
Submission: To apply, please submit your proposal to with “SERSW Workshop Grants” in the subject line. Submissions will be evaluated on a rolling basis. Any questions about this program please contact us at with the same subject line “SERSW Workshop Grants”.