Featured Welcome to the Africa SER Chapter


International Congress for Conservation Biology

The Future is Now: Sustaining biodiversity for today and tomorrow ICCB 2023 23-27 July 2023 | Kigali, Rwanda This is a friendly reminder that the deadline to submit proposals for symposia and pre-congress & lunchtime sessions for ICCB 2023 is this Friday!...Read More

Sand Fynbos Restoration Guidelines

As global efforts to up-scale restorative activities emerge under the UN Decade for Ecological restoration (https://www.decadeonrestoration.org/), a team of South African collaborators has focused ongoing efforts on restoring Lowland Sand Fynbos ecosystems, which are amongst the most threatened habitats in...Read More

Make a note: National Wetlands Indaba 2023

The National Wetlands Indaba is an annual event intended to provide a platform for a cross-disciplinary gathering of practitioners involved with the conservation and sustainable utilisation of South Africa’s wetland resources. These include scientists, decision-makers, researchers, conservationists and educators hailing...Read More

First Virtual Conference: The Journey so far.

REGISTER TODAY: https://bit.ly/SERestorationJourney Join us for the 3 day virtual conference with special guest, SER chair Prof Kingsley Dixon. We invite everyone interested in restoration to come and gain and share the knowledge and insight they need to make their...Read More

SER Africa 2021 launch on 25 May

The SER Africa Chapter was successfully launched on the 25th May 2021 which coincided with the celebration of Africa Day. Due to Covid-19, the launch was conducted in the form of an online webinar. The SER Africa Chapter currently has...Read More