Election Protocol 


Article 6 Section 2

Article 6 Section 2 of the SER-SW bylaws describes the composition of the board of directors. The Board will consist of four officers (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary), when possible up to one representative from each active membership region (as defined in Appendix A), a representative-at-large who may be from any of the membership regions, and the appointed chairs of the standing Board Committees. All Board members (Directors) shall be members in good standing of the Society and Chapter; the Chapter Coordinator, if the position is filled, shall be an ex-officio member of the Board.


Article 7 Section 1

Article 7 Section 1 of the SER-SW bylaws states that regular elections will be scheduled in advance of the regular annual meeting, generally in September, and voting shall occur by absentee ballots. All elective offices shall be voted on by the general membership. Ballots shall be accepted by physical or electronic mail up to a specific date determined by the Board and explicitly announced. The results shall be announced within four weeks after the deadline for casting ballots. New Directors will begin their tenure at the beginning of the following calendar year (January 1).


Article 7 Section 4

Article 7 Section 4 Terms of Office. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer serve for two years and the past-President for one year. Officers are eligible for re-election for no more than one additional consecutive term in the same office without taking a one term break. The terms of the representatives shall be staggered with Regional, Arizona, and Southern Utah representatives elected in even years and New Mexico, SE California, and Southern Nevada representatives elected in odd years. Should there be no candidate for elected office, the Board may reappoint an existing board member to an additional term.